River Hills makes our communities STRONG!
At its core, River Hills aids communities with their economic development and obtaining financial resources. Our organization has over 45 years of experience working with the communities in Clark, Floyd, Harrison, Scott, and Washington counties. We assist our communities in three phases: 1. Developing the projects that they need to stimulate economic growth, 2. Obtain the maximum allotted state and federal funds for the project, 3. Management of the funds to ensure compliance throughout the longevity of the project. We are proud of the work we do and see the impact in our communities everyday. River Hills specializes in many areas of development, for more specific information, slide your cursor over the icons below.

Public Infrastructure Development
There is no project too small or too large for River Hills. We have assisted our communities with everything from sidewalk repair to new construction builds. Our expertise is unmatched.

Community Facilities
Community centers are a rising asset to improve the community’s quality of place. Utilizing our expertise and relationships with state organizations, we can secure funding to build or improve existing community facilities.

Historic Preservation
Our region is rich with history. We work hard to ensure that communities and organizations have the funds that they need to properly restore and preserve the historical aspects of our area.

Tourism, Park, and Recreation Facilities
Indiana Department of Natural Resources grants can help communities create and improve their Parks and Recreation. The grants can be used to purchase new lands or improve existing.

Housing and Disaster Recovery
River Hills prides itself on its recovery efforts and how many communities that we have help through natural and economic disasters. Utilizing our expertise, we partner with several agencies to provide crucial resources.

Economic Dislocation Adjustment
Economic Dislocation is never fun but in the past, we have worked with local and state agencies to ensure a smooth and rapid transition for those affected by plant closures or relocation.

Planning and Technical Assistance
Many communities do not have the capacity or the experience to perform the work that we do every day. We love assisting our communities with project development and grant applications at no cost.

Revolving Loan Fund
Revolving Loan Funds are a great way for communities to offer low interest rate loans to new businesses. We can help communities learn about them and also manage the loans throughout their term.

Industrial Park Improvements
High wage and high skill careers are the future for many industrial parks. We can assist local communities transform their current industrial parks into new and improved Tech parks that will attract the companies and jobs that they want.

Pre-Disaster Mitigation Projects
The best way to deal with a disaster is to be as prepared as possible. River Hills has worked with several communities to develop a disaster mitigation that they use once disaster strikes.

Transportation Facilities and Programs
Having a close relationship with the Indiana Department of Transportation, we work with our communities to collect the necessary data for annual needs assessments that are used for planning and implementation.

Brownfield Redevelopment
Improving Brownfields in a great way to attract new economic growth. We work directly with several agencies to secure necessary funding for multiple phases of Brownfield assessments and cleanup.

Downtown Revitalization
Using state funds and coordinating directly with downtown businesses, River Hills helps make large and small improvements to the downtown areas. These projects catalyze downtown growth and activity.

Fire Safety
We have experience working directly with our local communities and obtaining significant funding for fire safety. We can help secure funding for new equipment to help ensure firefighters have the proper tools to keep us safe.

Grant Writing Services
No community, business, or organization is too big or too small to seek assistance from River Hills with their grant research and grant writing. We also love working with our local non-profits.